Emily Frank

I met Zeke in the early 2000s at New England Music Camp. We swam together in “swim for fit” (I was terrible and he was kind and encouraging) and traded jokes in orchestra (the viola section sat just below the oboes – mostly the jokes were about burning violas or burning oboes). I kept in loose touch and visited him during his first year at Dartmouth when I was looking at colleges. He eagerly showed me around and helped me realize what an incredible and magical place Dartmouth was. It really made an impression on me. Consequently, I applied early decision and joined the following year. We played together in the Symphony Orchestra and were able to share some of our ups and downs. He nearly convinced me to go on the music foreign study program to London. I’ve lost touch over the years, but have always smiled when he posts his musical accomplishments. It has been an honor and a privilege to watch the 15 year old musician I met 20 years ago pursue his passions. Pre pandemic, I had hoped to travel to Europe this summer and perhaps have the opportunity to watch him conduct live. Many condolences to all his friends and family. The world lost an amazing human.

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