Susanne Schiller
wir hatten schöne Stunden mit Christopher, egal wo wir ihn getroffen haben. Uns bleibt die Erinnerung an Weimar, Berlin und dem Schillerhof in Heilbronn.
wir hatten schöne Stunden mit Christopher, egal wo wir ihn getroffen haben. Uns bleibt die Erinnerung an Weimar, Berlin und dem Schillerhof in Heilbronn.
Molly and Quentin~ I remember meeting Christopher with your whole family at the Symphony in Detroit one Sunday afternoon. He wanted to be a conductor and I would say, from seeing the posts here, that he succeeded very well. I always was happy to hear updates on his progress. And now this sudden exit. My…
Christopher was a remarkable RCM student, with a rare ability to inspire others. His was a radiant personality, with a musical talent to match. We worked together on a Mozart project in his final year; he was insightful and passionate. Deepest condolences from the entire College community. From the RCM Director
Chris m’a impressionnée par sa curiosité, il était avide de tout ce qu’il pouvait apprendre, avec tellement d’envie et de lumière… Il aura aussi été celui qui m’aura sensibilisée au “zero waste”, préoccupation qui m’accompagne désormais tous les jours… Thank you Chris, rest in peace…
I planted a willow tree near a small brook to remember Chris by.
From day one I met Chris back in 2017, he was all about unconditional giving and help to everyone around him. He organized practice sessions for the conducting module to help those with no previous experience, asking for nothing in return. He was one of these people who spill positivity on you with the simplest…
My Dear Chris: ever since we met at the Bayerische Staatsoper back in 2012, we stayed in touch, and I was so delighted that we crossed paths a little more when you brought your life to London. You were destined for great things in music, and your shining personality, enthusiasm, and knowledge were infectious. I’ll…