Robert Santacroce
Fond memories of Christopher as a member of the Eurythmy troupe in high school. Lovely and sensitive young man.
I am a friend and co-worker at the RSHC, so I know Dr. Molly And Dr. Quentin. I met Christopher at one of the first retreats I worked at and of course felt his welcoming presence and easy nature. He was so full of life and it was contagious. Reading the memories here and how…
Auch wir sind unsagbar traurig das Christopher so unverhofft gehen musste. Wir hatten letztes Jahr noch soviel Spaß in London. Wir wünschen seiner Familie viel Kraft für kommende Zeit. Grüße aus Heilbronn, Germany
Chris war unser Dirigent von 2011 bis 2014 und Ehrenmitglied des MiO. Am 18. Juni 2020 verstarb er im Alter von 36 Jahren. Lieber Chris, als Du im Oktober 2011 unser Dirigent geworden bist, hast Du uns alle sofort menschlich und musikalisch in Deinen Bann gezogen. Du hast das MiO-Leitmotiv “International. Social. Exciting.” des damals…
I got known to Christopher in concerts in the Epiphanien church in Berlin-Charlottenburg a lot of years ago when I organized all concerts for several years in this church. Christopher and me got friends and I was amazed about his friendly kindness and youth as being a very qualified conductor. We met only one weekend…
I’m in total shock after the terrible news that Chris has left us. We’ve worked together at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich. Chris’s smile, positivity, kindness were always so heart warming. We hadn’t been in touch in years, when he randomly wrote me about a month ago to congratulate me on a performance he had…
I met Chris in Munich. I was walking from the S-Bahn from the airport with two big suitcases. It had started snowing heavily and Chris, seeing me struggling to cross the road in time, came over to help me. During our short walk to my godfather’s apartment, where I was staying, we realised Chris and…