Claudia Rizzi

Zeke : la luce di un genio.. Un privilegio raro averne incrociato il cammino ! Conoscendolo non si poteva che amarlo.. la sua vitalità, ironia, originalità  e la sua sconfinata nobiltà d’animo toccavano direttamente il cuore di ciascuno .. Una presenza per sempre !

Marta Tartari

Caro Zeke, un dolore cosí grande non lo potevo certo immaginare. Dal primo giorno che ti ho conosciuto, quando sei venuto a Bologna a trovare Rebecca dopo il suo anno al Dartmouth, ti ho voluto un bene dell’anima e ti chiamavo il mio bimbo americano. Non riesco ancora a crederci e mi sento paralizzata. Sei…

Louise Watts

Zeke was my boss.  I met him when we were teaching English on a summer camp in Germany. All the kids adored him, and frankly so did I.  Some people can leave such a lasting effect and impact just by being who they are; Zeke was one of those people.  His positivity was contagious.   …

Nigel Bates

On behalf of The Royal Ballet Music Department I am sending all our condolences and sadness at the loss of Christopher. He had attended a lecture on ballet conducting at the Royal College of Music given by our Principal Guest Conductor Barry Wordsworth and had started to observe our work at the Royal Opera House….

Mary Graham

I only knew him for a brief few weeks as he culminated his time at Dartmouth College in NH. I was lucky enough to be part of his Mozart Requiem project, through which his charisma, talent, passion for music and conducting, and unflinching ambition shone brightly. He had the voice of an angel! When we…

Christopher Chan

What a tremendous loss. Zeke’s smile and personality lit up the room. I met Zeke when he was giving a guest lecture for an opera class at Dartmouth that I happened to be sitting in on. His passion for music was immediately apparent. I admired how he wanted everyone to experience the joys of live…

Alexandra Fleming

I am so saddened and shocked to hear of Zeke’s abrupt passing. I knew Zeke at Dartmouth, where we shared a love for learning Italian and the Santa Fe opera. He was always so welcoming to me, and always greeted me with smile and a warmth that truly made me feel special. I remember my…

Karen Chalmer

Dear McMullen-Lairds, My mother heart aches for your loss. My music heart aches for the world’s loss. My spirit rejoices in the ongoing light of Christopher’s presence in the world. May you gradually find what you need for mending this huge hole in the fabric of your lives! “May eternal light surround you Everlasting arms…