Laura Serra

Dear Chris,

Those vibrant and energetic blue eyes caught me from the first time and will never be forgotten. You could see in them the passion, warmth, energy, aliveness, wisdom and desire that Chris had for everything he did. Every encounter with him was a source of inspiration, a learning experience, not only on how to be a better musician, but a better person. I will always remember his joyful spontaneity when I bumped into him, and I was heading to a Yoga class, to which I invited him, and he, with a big smile in his face joined me. 

Chris always had a moment for everyone, even though he was one of the busiest people I have ever met, he had time for his friends and loved ones, and lead an exemplar way of life, which inspired me and influenced on my own life style.

Chris, my friend, I wish we had one more conversation, on more laugh, one more hug, I wish we had gone for that coffee date we didn’t manage to go. I wish you were still here with us. 

With all the love in my heart.

I miss you.

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