Barry Schaye
I’m so so sorry for Chris’s loss
I’m so so sorry for Chris’s loss
I vividly remember walking into college on the first day of induction week in 2017, impostor syndrome kicking in and all. I met Chris on one of the college tours. His electrifying smile and genuine interest in my past and future aspirations made me regain the warmth I had left with my family back home…
I became friends with Zeke at Dartmouth where we were classmates. I don’t recall how we met, but we spent the most time together over sophomore summer. There were swimming adventures, ice cream, long evenings on the porch, and “Prom” at the Moosilauke Ravine Lodge (where this photo was taken). Zeke’s eyes were always filled…
Wir sind sehr traurig und werden Christopher vermissen. Die vielen schönen Stunden, die wir mit ihm in Weimar, Berlin und Heilbronn verbracht haben, werden uns immer in Erinnerung bleiben.
Zeke and I were Senior Fellows together at Dartmouth during our senior year. He was so inspirational, that years and year later, I still speak of his fellowship project as an example of the type of amazing friends that I had the fortune of knowing at Dartmouth. We had a lot of great times in…
Dear Zeke, You played such an integral role in my Dartmouth experience. Thank you for our long talks and sharing a passion for music, for the thoughtful discussions during our London Music FSP and the spontaneity and adventure of the trip to Italy and especially beautiful Corsica. After college, you made me so proud as you…