Mark Messenger
Immortality is surely what is left of us in the thoughts and memories of others. Christopher, you will truly live forever in all those you touched with such humanity.
Immortality is surely what is left of us in the thoughts and memories of others. Christopher, you will truly live forever in all those you touched with such humanity.
I met Zeke at Dartmouth when we were both part of the symphony orchestra there. He was a lively, fun and happy guy then. It is clear that he has been much respected, loved and appreciated since. My condolences on his passing.
It´s a sour cherry tree because: it´s not very demanding, it is very fruitfull, making preserves and enjoying them during winter brings joy.
Mein lieber Christopher, es ist ein schöner Sommerabend und eigentlich fände das 2. Hauptereignis der Stadt Mainz, die Johannisnacht statt. Nun schließt Corona solche Großveranstaltungen aus. Die Spargelsaison endet traditionell an Johannis, dem 24. Juni und es war Spargelzeit vor 17 Jahren. Wir hatten einen Gast, einen ehemaligen VDAC Stipendiaten aus der UT in Austin,…
I am thinking of the gesture of Christopher’s life. I have missed sharing his presence in his later years as our paths did not cross. My memories arise from his teen years not long after his family moved to AA. His creative terrain was helping when needed in the medical practice. His assistance to the…
It’s so unbelievably sad that Chris has been taken at such an early age. He gave so much to all who met him at the RCM. He wanted to hear everyone play and experience as much as possible there. His enthusiasm was infectious and his sheer joy in hearing music was a delight. His spirit…
Zeke : la luce di un genio.. Un privilegio raro averne incrociato il cammino ! Conoscendolo, non si poteva che amarlo.. la sua vitalità, la sua ironia, la sua personalissima originalità e la sua sconfinata nobiltà d’animo toccavano direttamente il cuore di ciascuno.. Unico, per sempre.. Nostro, di tutti noi..