Mark Messenger
Immortality is surely what is left of us in the thoughts and memories of others. Christopher, you will truly live forever in all those you touched with such humanity.
Immortality is surely what is left of us in the thoughts and memories of others. Christopher, you will truly live forever in all those you touched with such humanity.
September 2004: first time I met you, joyfully welcoming me at Dartmouth. January 2020: last time I hugged you, after celebrating my mother’s Befana in Italy. In between, too much for now, but I’ll share more. I’m shocked and I cry. Romeo is not informed, but he asked me: “Mamma, hai bisogno di un’abbracciatona?”. I’m splitting it…
Mein lieber Christopher, es ist ein schöner Sommerabend und eigentlich fände das 2. Hauptereignis der Stadt Mainz, die Johannisnacht statt. Nun schließt Corona solche Großveranstaltungen aus. Die Spargelsaison endet traditionell an Johannis, dem 24. Juni und es war Spargelzeit vor 17 Jahren. Wir hatten einen Gast, einen ehemaligen VDAC Stipendiaten aus der UT in Austin,…
My Dear Chris: ever since we met at the Bayerische Staatsoper back in 2012, we stayed in touch, and I was so delighted that we crossed paths a little more when you brought your life to London. You were destined for great things in music, and your shining personality, enthusiasm, and knowledge were infectious. I’ll…
This performance of Biber’s Passacaglia is for Chris. I thought of this piece specifically for him since the descending ground bass is often interpreted as the steps that a human being takes as they walk through life. In fact, this piece is also called the “Guardian Angel” and there is an engraving of an angel…
I have observed this young man’s career and many accomplishments with admiration via FaceBook. I never met him. Yet through the pictures, postings, and his music, I felt a great connection. As a musician, I grieve the loss of his talents in the future. As a teacher, I grieve for those who taught him and…
In my experience with Christopher, and in so many more I’m reading about from others, he showed the ability to almost instantaneously make people become a better version of themselves, with his warmth and generosity, and his enormous energy, talent, and skill. What an enormous loss.