KC Gates
I knew Zeke in college. We weren’t close, but he was a friend that could always bring a smile to your face. His passion and enthusiasm for music was infectious, and our interactions always left me feeling inspired.
Fond memories of Christopher as a member of the Eurythmy troupe in high school. Lovely and sensitive young man. Confirmation day at the Christain Community Church with my son, Christopher-Michael with other friends.
Wir können es nicht in Worte fassen und auch nicht glauben das ein so wunderbarer, lebenslustiger und herzensguter Menschen schon so früh gehen musste😔 Christopher ich bin mir sich das dort wo du jetzt bist auch alle mit deiner Offenherzigkeit begeistern wirst. Ich Wünsche dir eine gute Reise. Für deine Familie viel Kraft um diesen…
I love you so much Chris! Bruderherz! I’ve been writing poems to you every night and many, many memories are coming up. I will share more when I am able. Here we are jumping into the Blau River in Blaubeuren, Germany. July 2017\. SPLASH!!! Markus or Sindre took the photos. Your friend always, Moirissima
What an incredible loss of light to this world! I knew him in his formative years when he was just beginning to crave for what the world was going to offer and he was getting his first few experiences working in a job. His smile, positivity and drive for excellence were always present. I only…
There are no words to convey my sadness at this news. Zeke touched me deeply with his positive energy, creativity, and humor. The picture of us gathering and sipping green Waldmeister from the Dartmouth Club of Germany’s winning cup is indelibly in my mind. Such carefree days. He was taken much too soon and the…
I got known to Christopher in concerts in the Epiphanien church in Berlin-Charlottenburg a lot of years ago when I organized all concerts for several years in this church. Christopher and me got friends and I was amazed about his friendly kindness and youth as being a very qualified conductor. We met only one weekend…