Anette Beisswenger

Dear Molly and Quentin, Der Tote ist nicht tot. Er lebt in uns fort auf geheimnisvolle Weise. Er fügt gleichsam seine besten, nun von der Last des Leidens erlösten Kräfte den unseren hinzu. So beginnt er, uns selbst zu verwandeln und läutert in unserem Herzen sein zweites, höheres Wesen. Wo echte Liebe lebte, sterben die…

Laura Turner

I have never met Christopher but knowing Quentin and Molly I can only imagine what a wonderful person he was. My thoughts and prayers are with you,Quentin, Molly,and Christopher. I can’t imagine what you are going through.  Love, Laura

Nell Campbell

Zeke was one of my first friends at Dartmouth. We haven’t crossed paths since graduation but his voice and presence come so clearly to mind when I think of him. That incredible energy. It is so sad to hear of his passing. My thoughts are with his family.

Andrée Naylor

Already as a 14-year old, Christopher had the baton in his hand, leading a group of about 12 elderly Health Retreat patients and staff in songs.  ‘How can he and how does this young boy dare work with us oldies’ I (who could have been his grandmother) wondered. But soon enough it was clear: his…

Colin Lawson

Christopher was a remarkable RCM student, with a rare ability to inspire others.  His was a radiant personality, with a musical talent to match.  We worked together on a Mozart project in his final year; he was insightful and passionate.  Deepest condolences from the entire College community.  From the RCM Director

Gunter Kahlert Prof.

Lieber Christopher, Sie haben sehr gut Deutsch gesprochen, deshalb schreibe ich in dieser Sprache. In den Jahren 2005 und 2006 haben Sie bei mir in der Musikhochschule Franz List Weimar studiert, diese schöne und sinnvolle Zeit mit Ihnen vergesse ich nicht. Erst im April des Jahres 2020 hatten wir einen schönen schriftlichen Kontakt, Sie schickten…

Michael Chan

Michael Chan

I met Zeke at Dartmouth when we were both part of the symphony orchestra there. He was a lively, fun and happy guy then. It is clear that he has been much respected, loved and appreciated since. My condolences on his passing.

Ursula Bell-Köhler

Mein lieber Christopher, es ist ein schöner Sommerabend und eigentlich fände das 2. Hauptereignis der Stadt Mainz, die Johannisnacht statt. Nun schließt  Corona solche Großveranstaltungen aus. Die Spargelsaison endet traditionell an Johannis, dem 24. Juni und es war Spargelzeit vor 17 Jahren. Wir hatten einen Gast, einen ehemaligen VDAC Stipendiaten aus der UT in Austin,…

Rassias Center

We write this note with stunned sadness and profound sympathy.  Zeke brought so much to so many always; so giving, so creative, so full of life.   As an office, we put together a list of words and phrases that jumped into our hearts and brains as we thought about Zeke. He did love words! We are…

Mark Traves

Chris would steward concerts for me at RCM, a few years ago he saved a graduation ceremony by getting his husband Sindre in to help out as I had no one able to work.  Chris was a truly lovely guy and will be missed by all who knew him.  I just watched the funeral and…