Jan Willem de With

Jan Willem de With

Dear Chris, It is difficult for me to find the right words. You were far too young to leave this world behind and it is absolutely shocking and heartbreaking to read of your sudden death. To write these words feels surreal and painful. I will remember you as a smiling soul, a great talent, a…

Martha Evans

It was an honour to have met and known Chris only for a short time, during a two week period at Dartington International Summer School 2019,  where he was conducting the orchestra in which I played. His charisma and infectious enthusiasm, warmth and humour were clear to all – evidenced by his many tributes –…

Janina Dillig

I met Christopher in Lambrecht, in village in the middle of nowhere in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany in 2006\. We went there for a seminar of the German American Federation for its exchange students. It was early in the morning; we were supposed to travel by bus to the Hambacher Schloss but our bus got stuck in…

Bernadette Ward

I only met Christopher a few times, through my aunt Rebecca, but it was immediately clear what a wonderful person he was. Most recently – December 2019 – we had breakfast in London with my Italian relatives, and I remember thinking ‘this man is so nice… like seriously 𝒔𝒐 nice!’ Earlier in 2019, after a bad…

Olivia Nunez

Dear Zeke, I woke up yesterday to the devastating news that you had passed. I have spent the better part of the morning trying to wrap my mind around that fact; I still don’t understand it. It is impossible to imagine a world without you in it. And while I don’t have words, I do…

Ashby Mayes

Chris was one of the most enthusiastic, hardworking, musical and loving people I have ever met. He had the most contagious smile and he radiated positivity. He loved life and cared for everyone and I hope to live my life to the fullest the same way he did. Thank you for being such a wonderful…

Steve Allen

When Jeanne and I heard this morning that Christopher had passed we were both immediately inspired to go to God with prayers for His mother, Molly, his father, Quentin and for his sisters and brother.  We asked Him to comfort them and to minister, to what must be, their incredible sadness following the loss of…