Gaye Rosland

I just recently met Christopher as he was passing by my home in old town Stavanger. We had a short visit when he told me that he and his husband were neighbours so I told him to pop in one day and we could share a glass of wine…he did, and we had such a…

Anais  Itani

Anais Itani

I remember when we were rehearsing for the King’s College London Symphonic Orchestra’s second concert, in that cold and large room on the Strand campus. It was in early February, we were all tired and sniffling from the cold, but rehearsing Finladia by Sibelius made our hearts warm and fingers move on our instruments. Chris…

Margo Miller

I met Christopher on November 26 last year.  It was my mother’s 79th birthday and she was visiting from Florida.  She saw that Melinda O’Neal, Professor Emerita of Music at Dartmouth College would be presenting a lecture/concert about Berlioz at Cadogan Hall.  Professor O’Neal gave a shout out to her former student Christopher Quentin.  During…

Gabriella Bischofberger

I say a Little prayer for Christopher McMullen-Laird.  You shall travel well and calm, like in your mother’s arm, I will keep you in my heart, my friend, its not an end, take the love to the other side where music plays and you will surely be – eternally happy. For Zeke from Gabriella

KC Gates

I knew Zeke in college. We weren’t close, but he was a friend that could always bring a smile to your face. His passion and enthusiasm for music was infectious, and our interactions always left me feeling inspired.

Giulio Genovese

Giulio Genovese

I have never met anybody quite like Zeke. The way he loved people and life was unmatched and his enthusiasm was contagious. I met Zeke at Dartmouth in 2005. I did not get to see him much over the years after that but he would always reach out when coming to Boston and the time…

Dan Ayling

I’m so shocked to hear of your death, Christopher. We met briefly in Munich when I revived George Benjamin’s opera Written on Skin, and your bright energy was utterly engaging. Your warmth, fun and clear talent shone at every moment and I can’t believe your light has been extinguished so soon. RIP